LGBTI survivors
At WRASAC we welcome and support women, including trans women, of all sexual orientations. We also support intersex survivors. Our Children and Young People's service, DAYS, supports young people of all genders (aged 8 -18).
You can be a survivor of sexual violence regardless of your gender or the gender of the perpetrator. You are not to blame and deserve support. We understand that lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender and intersex survivors may face additional real or perceived barriers when accessing services and may have particular worries, fears or concerns. We are here to support you with this. If there is anything we can do to help you feel safe and supported in the Centre, please let us know and we will try to make that happen. We will listen to you, believe you and support you. Our support service is confidential.
From the end of 2022 we have been working towards our LGBT Charter Silver award to ensure that as an organisation we meet legislative needs and are as inclusive as we can be. During this time we have developed and reviewed our policies, practice and resources and have ensured our staff are trained from LGBT Youth Scotland
More information on this can be found here The LGBT Charter for Organisations | LGBT Youth Scotland | LGBT Youth Scotland
Many LGBTIQ+ survivors may be reluctant to report sexual violence because of a fear of being discriminated against. The police have a duty under the Equality Act to not discriminate against people on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, and if you feel that you have been discriminated against then you have the right to make a complaint. A worker at Rape Crisis can support you through the process of reporting if you feel this would be helpful to you.
Some specialist organisations for LGBTI people and services for those who have experienced sexual violence are listed below. The websites have links to more information and services.
LGBT Health and Wellbeing
Promotes the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Scotland.
LGBT Helpline Scotland
Information and emotional support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families, friends and supporters.
Tel: 0300 123 2523
LGBT Youth
A national youth organisation offering youth groups, one-to-one support or online support.
Tel: 0131 555 3940 / 0141 552 7425
Text: 07786 202 370
In this section
- Understanding Rape and Sexual Assault
- What is Sexual Violence?
- Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
- Ritual abuse
- Commercial sexual exploitation
- Sexual abuse against boys and men
- Information for family and friends
- LGBTI survivors
- News & events
- Publications

Dundee and Angus Young Survivors
We support survivors of all genders aged 11 to 18.

Make a donation
We need your support to maintain our service.