WRASAC 2020 / 2021 Annual Report and Accounts
Welcome to our annual report for 2020-2021
This year we faced many challenges but have also had the opportunity for growth, development and a mass upskilling of staff and volunteers.
We are so proud of all of our staff, volunteers and placement students and the hard work and dedication to the cause everyone showed this year, it is a collective effort and we couldn't achieve half of what we do if it weren't for the amazing team we are very lucky to work with.
Bring on 2022!
In this section
- Understanding Rape and Sexual Assault
- What is Sexual Violence?
- Adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
- Ritual abuse
- Commercial sexual exploitation
- Sexual abuse against boys and men
- Information for family and friends
- LGBTI survivors
- News & events
- Publications

Know your rights
Details about how to report and the court process.

Make a donation
We need your support to maintain our service.