Who are WRASAC?
We support women, including trans women, and young people of all genders (aged 8 -18), who have experienced any form of sexual violence, abuse or exploitation in their lives.
We promote equality and raise public awareness of the routes of sexual violence and its damaging and life-changing effects.
Dundee and Angus WRASAC are a specialist agency providing free and confidential support services to survivors who have been raped, sexually abused, or sexually exploited at any time in their life.
Dundee and Angus WRASAC were originally Dundee Rape Crisis Centre but over time we realised that a large proportion of women who access our service for support are survivors of historical sexual abuse and so we moved from ‘crisis’ to Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre.
Over the last 40 years we have grown our service from a small team, working voluntarily in Dundee to a locally and nationally funded service.
We work with women and children across Dundee and Angus
•Women’s Support Service
•Initial Referral team
•National Advocacy Service
•Dundee & Angus Young Survivors (DAYS)
•Sexual Violence Prevention Service
•Vice Versa (Women involved in Commercial Sexual Exploitation)
•Gender Based Violence Learning and Development Officer who is co-located between Dundee City Council and WRASAC.
Our centre is staffed entirely by female workers and volunteers who are trained to a high standard and share the view that violence against women and children is an abuse of power and should not happen.
We have been successful in achieving the Rape Crisis Scotland National Service Standards, LGBT Charter-mark, Volunteer Friendly award and are a recognised counselling skills organisation. We agree and abide by COSCA’s Statement of Ethics and Code of Practice.
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